

WOMMAの倫理規定(The"WOMMA Code")の基本理念(Fundamental Principles)日本語訳

アメリカの口コミ業界団体であるWOMMA(Word of Mouth Marketing Association)の『Word of Mouth Marketing Ethics Code of Conduct(The "WOMMA Code")』口コミマーケティング倫理規定が改定されました(参考・インターネット広告の秘密WOMMA、倫理ガイドラインを改訂)。
ブログ「aKio wAtanabE」を書いている渡邊さんの力を大幅に借り日本語化を行いました。何か問題があればご指摘ください。
倫理規定は「Fundamental Principles」に加え、「行動指針(WOMMA Code of Conduct)」「The WOMMA Code」と3つのパートに分かれています。

基本理念(Fundamental Principles)
(We respect and promote practices that abide by an understanding that the consumer-not the marketer-is fundamentally in charge, in control, and dictates the terms of the consumer-marketer relationship. We go above and beyond to ensure that consumers are protected at all times.)

1. 人々が楽しく、関心を持ってくれることで口コミは生まれます。
(Happy, interested people will say good things about you.)
(It’s doesn’t take much more than that. Understand this concept, devote yourself to it, and you will be a successful word of mouth marketer.)

2. 正直で本当の意見こそが、私たちのメディアです。
(Honest, genuine opinion is our medium.)
(We don't tell people what to say or how to say it. We fundamentally believe that people should be free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. While supporting the natural conversation, we take great care to ensure that we do not distort it.)

3. 口コミマーケターは、情報共有をサポートします。
(We start, support, and simplify the sharing.)
(Word of mouth marketers use creative techniques to encourage communications. We make it easier for people to talk to each other, we create interesting things to talk about, we create communities to share ideas, and we work to find the right people who should know about what we do. Traditional advertising pushes ideas on consumers. We help naturally occurring good ideas move around.)

4. ヤラセは口コミではありません。
(Word of mouth cannot be faked.)
(Deception, infiltration, dishonesty, shilling, and other attempts to manipulate consumers or the conversation are bad. Honest marketers do not do this, will not do this, and will get caught if they try. Sleazy behavior will be exposed by the public and backfire horribly on anyone who attempts it.)

5. 口コミマーケティングは、消費者の力を増大します。
(Word of mouth marketing empowers the consumer.)
(Consumers have control, and they dictate the terms of a new, healthier relationship between marketers and the people who use their products. Consumers demand satisfaction, respect, and great products and services. When companies deliver, people will tell their friends. Word of mouth marketers work to accelerate this process, replacing aggressive advertising with customer-centric service, support, and open communications.)

訳(Ver.1.0): by 渡邊明生 & 藤代裕之

また、規定は定期的にレビューして更新していくということが「WOMMA Code of Conduct」に書かれているのもインターネット的です。一度決まったことを守る、もしくは誰かに決めてもらう、というのではなく自分たちで考え、修正していくプロセスが口コミのプラクティスだという考えは渡邊さん同様、非常に印象的でした。

