

WOMMAの倫理規定(The"WOMMA Code")の行動指針(WOMMA Code of Conduct)日本語訳

アメリカの口コミ業界団体であるWOMMA(Word of Mouth Marketing Association)の『Word of Mouth Marketing Ethics Code of Conduct(The ”WOMMA Code”)』口コミマーケティング倫理規定の「基本理念(Fundamental Principles)」に続いて、「行動指針(WOMMA Code of Conduct)」を日本語化しました。

行動指針(WOMMA Code of Conduct)

(WOMMA recognizes that the WOMM space is ever-evolving and changing and as such has created its Living Ethics Program whereby the Ethics Code is regularly and periodically reviews and updates the Ethics Code as appropriate.)


1. 消費者の保護と尊重を最優先する
(Consumer protection and respect are paramount)
2. 正直の"ROI":つながり(Relationship)、意見(Opinion)、アイデンティティ(Identity)の正直さを保つ
(The Honesty ROI: Honesty of Relationship, Opinion, and Identity)
3. 場のルールを尊重する
(We respect the rules of the venue)
4. 未成年者と接する際は責任を持って行う
(We manage relationships with minors responsibly)
5. 正直さにあふれたコミュニケーションを促進する
(We promote honest downstream communications)
6. プライバシーを守り、必ず許諾を行う。要請に応じて連絡手段を提供する
(We protect privacy and permissionvement in a campaign when asked by consumers or the media. We will provide contact information upon request.)


(WOMMA members believe this Code is a foundation for an ethical, prosperous industry. To survive and succeed, word of mouth marketing must earn the trust of consumers by protecting their right to open, honest communication.)

(The WOMMA Code establishes guidelines when planning and executing word of mouth marketing campaigns. Its purpose is to help define best practices, unacceptable practices, and baseline rules of the road. It is a tool for ethical marketers to understand where the lines are drawn and how to do the right thing. Word of mouth that occurs naturally through the process of serving and satisfying customers isn't addressed here, because it is fundamentally genuine. )

(This is a work in progress. The word of mouth marketing environment is changing rapidly, the rules are unclear, and ethical practices are still being defined. We will continue to review and revise the WOMMA Code as the practice of word of mouth marketing evolves through our Living Ethics Project and annual review of this Ethics Code. )

(This is a code that WOMMA members choose to adhere by and its adoption is a basic tenant of membership in the organization. We encourage all marketers to do the same.)
訳(Ver.1.0): by 渡邊明生 & 藤代裕之
